Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So I Saw Zombieland Today

Well originally I was suppose to see it with my friends.  But it's getting closer and closer to sound like one of those things we talk about but will not actually happen.  So I end up seeing it with my cousins instead.  Yeah movie on a Monday night is kinda random but I guess I just didn't want to stay home.

So... the movie was alright.  I think I got ruined by the review again, was hyped up so much that I was expecting more.  It's really just an alright movie but nowhere close to being the funniest movie of the year.  But at least it's another movie I can relate to (why do I always relate myself to some dumbass main character types).  Though I do agree that I wish one day I can find the girl that I can take home with (the main guy said that).  I wonder when that day will be.  Maybe when 90% of the population are dead then I'll find someone.

Oh one of my friend mentioned before that she thinks I'm too perssimistic.  But it's really not that I'm too perssimistic, it's just that I'm always too optimistic so I just get screwed over.  So now I try to be more cautious (aka prepare for the worst), that's all.

In anycase gonna try to sleep early again.  Slept from 1 am to 1 pm yesterday.  That was fun, gonna do that again.


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